Le mag
Media Training pour le groupe Airbus
Préparation des dirigeants du groupe en France (Toulouse, Marseille...), comme à l'étranger (Chine, Royaume-Uni, Allemagne, Espagne, pays arabes..) pour leur prise de parole face à la presse ou en public. Plus d'une centaine de porte-paroles formés à la méthodologie NetCast du Media training en anglais, arabe, allemand ou français depuis 2018.
Our media training vision
Based on journalism’s technics, our media training approach allows co-building with our customers a communication:
Built around high level principles of journalism, our approach allows the spokesperson defining his message in accordance with journalist’s expectations to ensure he will be well-cited (after the interview). Once defined and argued, this message is « tested » within a succession of situations more and more sensitive (interview with specialized press, Global public, radio, TV…).
Dedicated at the beginning to CEOs, our approach has rapidly been proposed in specific training to all communication team. Based on concepts and rules formalized and indisputable, it allows to all the stakeholders using the same language and references: they exchange, collaborate with a formal manner. Furthermore, it allows setting-up a highly reactive and efficient communication at local level.
By imposing to all spokesperson to appoint his company at the heart of his message, our approach allows reinforcing notoriety, capacities of influence and preserving image of the company towards its customers but also to all stakeholders.